CT Conversations is a new beginning, a visual evolution. These conversations shed light on the people who dive deep and pursue their passions despite the daily grind. They focus on journey, balance, adversity, and making the most of your time off the clock.
MAY 03, 2024 | BY TIM HOMA
Our first installment of CT Conversations takes a peek into the mind of Virginia Beach local Jason Stick. Jason is 46 years old and wears a number of hats. He is a husband, father of two, Senior Marketing Specialist, Editor in Chief of Mothflame ‘Zine, photographer, and self-proclaimed “amateur” woodworker. With the deck stacked, Jason still makes sure that he finds time to pursue his passions of surfing and woodworking.
“I do my best to surf and woodwork whenever I can. Sometimes that means surfing when the wind or tide isn't right or chipping away at projects between other stuff,” Jason said. He insists, “There’s always time; it’s just a matter of being creative to make the most of it.”
Jason is a ridiculously nice human being, one of those people who makes you feel like you’ve been lifelong friends. In the water, he is a stylish surfer easily noticed in a crowded lineup.

Natural abilities aside, Jason feels perspective and equipment ultimately impact a surfer’s performance. He attributes this outlook to a quote by the great Mickey Muñoz, “There are no bad waves, only a poor choice of equipment and a lousy attitude.”
We met with Jason at his home on a sunny yet chilly winter day in January to talk all things surfing, Welsh stick chairs, family, time management, and the importance of keeping your passions alive.
His driveway housed his charismatic 1966 Ford F100, and his garage door uncovered a man cave of treasures, including a workbench fit for a Wes Anderson movie set, where this conversation took place.
To keep up with Jason, follow him on Instagram @jasonstick and check out his woodworking by following @handandpower.